Thursday, June 16, 2011

My day started off with waking up to a raw throat, headache, and sore lungs. Good old fashioned cold in the month of June and in such a hot climate as in Costa Rica. Didn't know that was possible. Well, I believe I'm still here unless I sleep walked all the way back home in the middle of the night. lol. Highly doubted.

Went to the McClain's house and worked on a couple projects for them. Brooke even made me tea for my cold, awe! Then we stayed for lunch and watched "Little House on the Praire" while Matt and Brooke were on Skype with a Pastor. Wahoo, I love those shows and other ones like them.

Went back to the appartment, used the computer for a bit than took a very much needed nap. Only struggling to get back up when it was time to head back to church for Kids Club. I was told that I didn't have to go to the church tonight if I still wasn't feeling well, but I was determind to still be there since that's what I said I'd be doing in the first place...."let your yes be yes, and your no be no." So I made it and was glad I didn't. I am always blessed when I do something that was a struggle to start this case to get out of bed for club. I was encouraged when Dayroy was playing on a rail beside me and slowly makes his way to me as I was leaning on it also. He makes his way to me asking for my hand to hold while he walked on the rail. He gets to me and totally wanted a piggy back ride. So for about 10 minutes he was on my back as I was just wondering around with the other kids. He was totally calm and just resting his head on my shoulder. I had to capture the moment and have Brooke take a picture as that was a highlight of a day that seemed tough. I am blessed more than I realize. I only wish I could understand God's love even more and totally all the way thrive to "Be the moon...and reflect the Son". (I found that saying at the McClains house...."Thank you guys!"

Later I was asked to do a simple task that to me seemed one of the toughest ever. I was asked to pick 2 kids out of a group of about 15, picking those 2 to be the first to play a game as a team. I was suppose to pick 2 when like 8 were raising their hands to be picked. I was so gonna do this, but when I saw each one of those faces who were so eager to be the ones and begging to be it, I turned away crying and totally confused a few people cause I was smiling one minute then crying the next. I didn't want to be a bad sport so I walked away from the kids so they wouldn't see me crying and have to wonder if they did anything. Call me emotional if you want...cause I know that's what I am, but my heart as so much compassion, I don't know what to do with it all. I am blessed that I do have compassion and a heart for kids, but sometimes little things like that can hurt my heart. I'm probably making it a bigger deal than what it really is, but yeah. That's honestly how I felt about it though. I totally need to learn balance in things like this. There are so many little things that I do here that I know will help me in the future and I'm glad about it. But yeah, as I was crying and while walking out, young Hector and I don't know who else, was lookin' at me with such a worried face...oops, I didn't mean to do that. A minute later when I was fine (sounds like the movie "tangled"....LOL, up and down, back and forth in her "battles" she was fighting) Crazy for me to compare it to that, but maybe someone will laugh, as I like seeing people happy. Isabelle was sweet to come to me and ask if I was okay. And then Brooke also. Later Roisess (sp?) pulled me to Matt to have him translate a question she was trying to ask me. She was asking, "Why were you crying earlier?" Sopia also came up and gave me a long big warm hug. These kids were so trying to lift my spirits and were a success. I'm blessed...

Yesterday I went to make copies for Matt and Brooke in town. I start off walking from the church with tears in my eyes after Michaela was saying "You can do this!". I was doubting I could do it, something as simple as getting copies in a Spanish speaking world. But a few minutes later I came back running saying, "Yay I did it! .....I could so do this again and be okay!!!!" I'm getting there...I'm so trying, I really want a teachable heart.

Oh yeah and yesterday, Gustovo colored me a picture...yay!

Now for the signing out for the night note:
Special thanks to Michaela before I update my blog. I don't think she knows how much she encourages me in seeing her live her life for the Lord each and every new day, even when she's struggling. She totally keeps serving and doesn't give up. I'm proud to know her!

1 comment:

  1. I pray you are feeling better soon. I'm proud of everyone you mentioned on your blog tonight!!
