Sunday, June 19, 2011


Went to the beach again today.
And oh my goodness, Matt was so being as my dad would be in the water. So funny...I laughed so hard and screamed so much that my stomach was tight and it was hard to laugh anymore. My stomach muscules are really sore now, lol! Matt would wait till I got in the water enough to were it would be hard to get back to shore fast, then would totally start swimming really fast or jump towards me and simply make me run for my life, only falling and tripping and being grabbed by the foot while at it, sometimes with the help of Ethan...over and over again he would really scare me and I'd be trying to get to shore as fast as I could! When my family and I lived by a river in Oregon and would go swimming, my dad would swim under water and chase us, as us girls would all be screaming to get away but never going fast enough and always getting caught. Good times with my Dad!! "Oh man I miss you Dad, wish I could give you a hug!". Anyways, today was crazy, but the best day at the beach so far. And the water was great!

Ethan ate sand cause of my wet sand "snowball" fight trying to find whatever weapon for the protection of my life as he was getting me and trying to throw wet sand in my hair or grab my foot like everyone else what trying today....while we were in the water to our waist.

I had Ethan, Isabelle, and Audrey all at me at the same time...AHHHHHHHH!!!! All trying to tickle....or more like pinch, ha! That was the time I accadentaly kicked 9 year old Isabelle in a way that made her fly back into the water backwards (oops), they were tickling me so bad. It was so hard to get away from those three little whipper snappers!! And Matt too for that matter.

I got Brooke a couple times and got her feet and she panics and is going like, "Oh, oh, oh.....not my feet, not my feet!!!!"

Oh yeah, a couple times Natalie would "try" and get, poke, or scare me in the water and once I totally pushed her to make her fall under water....don't worry she's a good swimmer, lol. She kept trying to get me and it wasn't working so I decided to get her and it so worked, lol!

Now for Michaela...ah yes. I was teasing her in a way that would make a girl blush or react in a really amusing way. (*think silly match making, but not for real. just to be goofy). So I was teasing and she totally comes up to me trying to get me in the water as if she was going to do something!!! I got her down too, yay! Michaela said that everyone was after me at one point or another today. Haha!! Fun...
At one point something came up that the others were talking about and it really sounded like someone was saying something about getting married...I can't exactly rememeber everything said, but I do remember how I heard the names Michaela and Ethan and so I mentioned that as a joke to both of them and Ethan comes towards me in a threating way and Matt's like, "For that you get dunked!!!!!" then there I am running to shore again, LOL! ....but that's the time that Michaela came up to get me, was when I said that about her and 11 year old Ethan. But don't get me wrong, I DO still tease her almost everyday about a guy, even though she doesn't have a guy I just tease her about it that one day she will or I will randomly bring up someone that she knows and will totally tease her about that but just to be goofy no real reason why. Really funny cause she'll say, "No, no, no, no, no!!!!" or "Oh my goodness Justine!!!!!" and shut the door behind her in a playful way. She's so funny! I like Michaela so much and think she's awesome!

Last night we played Apples to Apples and a card came up and it said MTV. So I'm like "Isn't that like a 4-wheeler???" Cause that's not what it was saying at the bottom of the card as to what it was, so I was confused. Haha, after everyone laughed and briefly explained I can now say that I know that there is a difference from MTV and ATV. Oh wow! I'm crazy!

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