Okay, I've got stories to tell today, lol!
We went to another beach today, and once you get used to the water it's really fun to be in it. Well anyways to get to the funnest story of the day, we were all just in the water to our necks again and this time another family came along with us in their van though. And one of the teenager boys, Brock came up from under the water and explains how he just saw a BIG fish. Matt happened to be right there and so he heard what Brock had saw. All of the sudden Matt starts yelling as if something had grabbed his foot and he was strugglin' in the water...and was seriously startled!!! Brooke and I had thought at first that he was just trying to scare me by making it look like something was in the water wanting to see my reaction. But then it was really real. A very real PERSON who went under water to scare Matt. It SOOO worked!!! We were all laughing at him so hard. Brooke says that there's your revenge for what Matt does to try and scare you. He just got it good! I told him now everytime I see him I'm gonna laugh and I told him I was gonna post it on my blog and he likes, "No, you don't!!!" Lol...oops, it looks I acciently did. "Sorry!" :D It was just such a good joke played on Matt that it HAD to be shared. I could tell another about him trying to walk out into the water with his flippers on, but falling when the wave hit him, but I'll be nice and not share that one. Haha! (I didn't see it anyways, he told all of us that one on the way home). I'm the one laughing now!
At first when I was getting in the water I stayed extra close to the shore because the water and waves were SO strong that it would pull you in a little and then bring you back, but still the whole being pulled in and having no control over it was something I've never done before. And not very comforting when you can't swim the greatest. So Matt tried getting me to come out a little farther..."Just over that wave" then it'd be easier. Well, after he showed me how easy it was I was able to get used to it and a little more comfortable and not be paniced. I've noticed, I have fear of alot more things than I realized and it's nasty. That is one thing I'm realizing here in Costa Rica and it makes me realize and wonder how much I really do trust the Lord in everything. I challenge myself in little ways as at the beach and in the water as well as in other things that come up. But a while later I would be fine for a while, then for a couple seconds I would panic. Not where anyone could see at the moment, but in my mind. Wow! When I would feel this way in the water I would remind myself to relax and just trust I'll be okay and that it's not like it would take me far at all (and it's wouldn't get to deep to where it would take me), but, God's right here, he's bigger than the things that he made, such as a strong wave and I don't need to fear....be smart yes, as water is one of the strongest things in nature. I find that when I don't fear, those are the times that it's alot smoother. When I don't fight against the wave, but just go with/through it, it's not so much a struggle. I kind of put that into a personal wave/struggle view and thinking how it will seem really really big and hard, but when you just relax (in His arms) and let him lead you, it will go smoother and easier to handle as He will give strength needed. Not that we'd be looking for the easier way out of anything, but that we'd be trusting in the Lord constantly in everything, everyday. Everything will fall into place. Everything will be good, just trust and don't worry. So all that to say I'm up for the challenge to not fear things anymore, I'm so determind in this!! ...and I've got a life time of lessons to learn.
Here was something else really crazy. After we had been there a few hours we started seeing Porchagees Manna Wars (sp?) (little jelly type of sea creature that floats on the water with a blue...ummm...what do you call it? ....Uhhh...kinda whats on a jelly fish. Like a blue shocking "string" hanging from it's body. As a couple of us were noticing these in the water, I head on back up to shore to realize that right smack where these little things were Brock had jumped right on in not knowing and a split second later jumping back out of the water going crazy, yelling, running, jumping around and pulling off the "blue string" that grabbed and wrapped itself on him as it's literally shocking him. This happened just after Matt was saying how he also had gotten shocked by these things a few mintues before. But wow....that was crazy!!! Four guys all got shocked and were rubbing ice on the stings that looked as if getting........oh man, It's hard to explain. Just picture this if you can. When you get a little scratch and it whitens and swells a little right? Well to me getting shocked looks kinda like that only.... circles that are all lined up real close together in a line around the arm or where ever it graps ya. Ouch is right!!! Us girls were grateful we didn't get it "Praise Jesus!". That would have hurt like crazy. Ouch!
The other day I got so excited cause us girls had a movie night and you won't believe what I was so excited to get to eat. Can you guess? ICE CREAM!!!! Oh my goodness, ice cream is such an all time favorite of mine. Could never get old. :D I just wanted to share cause it made me happy, lol!
Justine, Just for the record, I wasn't THAT startled.....haha! Well, maybe un poquito!!