Thursday, June 30, 2011


We had a “Spanish Lesson” last night with one of the lady’s from Church.  She is trying to learn English and is practicing on us while we…or more like Michaela and Natalie are practicing Spanish on her. So it works. My mind can only take little bits at a time. That night I learned how to ask, “Are you okay?”.  I find I want to use that phrase a lot. When kids get hurt, or when a young girl looks at if she wants to cry and not knowing why (which happened yesterday). A young girl Dayana looked in her eyes as if she wanted to cry at a point before PFK was over. I don’t know why but I knew I wanted to ask if she was okay. Since I didn’t know exactly how to ask I just said, “Bien?” in a way she understood. That night I decided to start paying attention to the things I find that I want to say to the kids at different times and start asking Michaela how to say it. That is my thing lately.
Dayana really loves to play with her own hair and so yesterday as she was sitting out of a game I ask to do her hair (by pointing…since I can’t ask in Spanish, lol). She actually let me! A minute later before I was finished french braiding her hair she was needed to join in with the others and so I figured that it was the end of it…I had to stop doing her hair at that moment. But I didn’t know if she actually liked that I was doing her hair in the first place. When PFK was over she was waiting for me to walk back with her to dinner. I was surprised when she asked me to finish doing her hair. She was even talking to me a lot too, and she’s not a talker as I’ve seen so far. Wow, it’s been a huge blessing!!!! I want to try and write letters to a few of the kids in Spanish before I leave, using google translate or something of the sort. I want them to know that I care by also taking the time write out in their own language what I wish I could have said to them in person.
Yoel is another boy from the program. He is pretty funny. He will say or do something and then realize that it might not have been the nicest thing, or he will actually accidently do something and he’ll come right up to me, give me a hug and a pat on the shoulder saying, “Perdón, perdón!” He’s a sweet kid for sure.
One little boy (oops, can’t remember his name) loves it when I chase him before PFK starts and will come and find me over and over so that I will play. During PFK he wanted me to sit by him and didn’t want to let anyone else, lol…don’t I feel loved : ) Actually this same boy was trying to talk to me, and was asking if I speak Spanish and I reply saying that I don’t speak ENGLISH! I mean how messed up can I be, huh? LOL! I told him that I didn’t speak English. To funny, I guess!
When we were playing tag afterwards I at one point was standing about two feet from a square metal post..(to hold the roof up, lol). A girl begins to chase me and what do I do? I quickly turn around and run right into the post!!!!! I can now feel a bruise from my shoulder to my elbow. Well, there’s one good thing about, at least I didn’t hit head on : ) 

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Three of my friends...

L to R: Dayron, Gustavo, and Dayroy :)
I love these guys!!
At one point today in kids club. Dayroy started giving me a hug, then the next thing Dayron and Gustavo join in. Soon there were 5 or 6 six little kids hugging me at the same time and decided to try and make me fall over with them a few times over and over. Haha!! They are so funny. I love these guys a whole lot!!

Dayroy and Dayron through out of game of "Bubble" kept coming up to hold my hands, as that was part of the game. Only they didn't want to play the game, but only wanted to be holding my hands. One of them were pushed and fell on the rocks and before he could cry I grabbed his hand again and he smiled and was totally okay. I'm gonna miss these twins. Why is it that each place I go I have to meet more people that I'm only gonna miss later and wonder what will ever happen to them in the future. What will there lives will be as they grow older into young men. Will they follow the Lord or will they fall into the world? It's hard to think about it. And sad. "Keep up what you're doing Matt and Brooke!! It makes a difference in the lives of these kids."

Matt and Brooke and their whole family are leaving for the states on Tuesday morning and won't be back till the end of July. What will us girls do without But really, you McClain's have an awesome time in the US and we three girls will try and hold down the fort :D We'll miss you guys!

Sunday, June 19, 2011


Went to the beach again today.
And oh my goodness, Matt was so being as my dad would be in the water. So funny...I laughed so hard and screamed so much that my stomach was tight and it was hard to laugh anymore. My stomach muscules are really sore now, lol! Matt would wait till I got in the water enough to were it would be hard to get back to shore fast, then would totally start swimming really fast or jump towards me and simply make me run for my life, only falling and tripping and being grabbed by the foot while at it, sometimes with the help of Ethan...over and over again he would really scare me and I'd be trying to get to shore as fast as I could! When my family and I lived by a river in Oregon and would go swimming, my dad would swim under water and chase us, as us girls would all be screaming to get away but never going fast enough and always getting caught. Good times with my Dad!! "Oh man I miss you Dad, wish I could give you a hug!". Anyways, today was crazy, but the best day at the beach so far. And the water was great!

Ethan ate sand cause of my wet sand "snowball" fight trying to find whatever weapon for the protection of my life as he was getting me and trying to throw wet sand in my hair or grab my foot like everyone else what trying today....while we were in the water to our waist.

I had Ethan, Isabelle, and Audrey all at me at the same time...AHHHHHHHH!!!! All trying to tickle....or more like pinch, ha! That was the time I accadentaly kicked 9 year old Isabelle in a way that made her fly back into the water backwards (oops), they were tickling me so bad. It was so hard to get away from those three little whipper snappers!! And Matt too for that matter.

I got Brooke a couple times and got her feet and she panics and is going like, "Oh, oh, oh.....not my feet, not my feet!!!!"

Oh yeah, a couple times Natalie would "try" and get, poke, or scare me in the water and once I totally pushed her to make her fall under water....don't worry she's a good swimmer, lol. She kept trying to get me and it wasn't working so I decided to get her and it so worked, lol!

Now for Michaela...ah yes. I was teasing her in a way that would make a girl blush or react in a really amusing way. (*think silly match making, but not for real. just to be goofy). So I was teasing and she totally comes up to me trying to get me in the water as if she was going to do something!!! I got her down too, yay! Michaela said that everyone was after me at one point or another today. Haha!! Fun...
At one point something came up that the others were talking about and it really sounded like someone was saying something about getting married...I can't exactly rememeber everything said, but I do remember how I heard the names Michaela and Ethan and so I mentioned that as a joke to both of them and Ethan comes towards me in a threating way and Matt's like, "For that you get dunked!!!!!" then there I am running to shore again, LOL! ....but that's the time that Michaela came up to get me, was when I said that about her and 11 year old Ethan. But don't get me wrong, I DO still tease her almost everyday about a guy, even though she doesn't have a guy I just tease her about it that one day she will or I will randomly bring up someone that she knows and will totally tease her about that but just to be goofy no real reason why. Really funny cause she'll say, "No, no, no, no, no!!!!" or "Oh my goodness Justine!!!!!" and shut the door behind her in a playful way. She's so funny! I like Michaela so much and think she's awesome!

Last night we played Apples to Apples and a card came up and it said MTV. So I'm like "Isn't that like a 4-wheeler???" Cause that's not what it was saying at the bottom of the card as to what it was, so I was confused. Haha, after everyone laughed and briefly explained I can now say that I know that there is a difference from MTV and ATV. Oh wow! I'm crazy!


Okay, so I do really enjoy swimming in the warm water at the beach. But theres one major problem. When we are at a beach with lots of people there, it's pretty gross!!!! This is when I wish I was blind, or had blinders that horses use (or used to use). I mean for real. With how much I am about modesty I had my head down looking at the sand while walking in circles. Or I was watching the sunset and totally cutting off on what was on both sides of me.'s like a bad movie that needs to be turned off!!! The first couple beaches we've gone too didn't have as many people as I saw tonight. So it wasn't to bad those times. I still had fun in the water for sure, but I just hate the outfits most people wear...or don't wear. Anyways...

I was excited that Brooke and her family wanted to take us out to the beach to watch the sunset and to eat pizza as well. Ethan was having an arm restle with Natalie at the dinner table and totally beat her at it....and she was trying so hard, lol!! On the other hand, he wanted to do it with me and then I was the one who beat him. It was funny!!! The waiter asked what drinks we wanted so everyone was picking out soda and such. I choose orange juice than Ethan just laughs at me!! He laughs at everything I do, I wonder about that 11 year old sometimes. Crazy boy! He was saying, "Why not get soda or something??" I reply, "I very rarely have soda. When I go out to eat I most liking get water, an ice tea, or a juice (if that's an option)." He couldn't believe it. Lol! Out of any drink I think ice water is totally the best. This reminds me, every Tuesday night after chapel in the coffee shop I would be asked what I wanted. My reply would "Can I have ice water, please?!!" Then whoever asked would look at me like, are you sure that's all you want? I think it's funny when people think it's strange to love water. lol!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

My day started off with waking up to a raw throat, headache, and sore lungs. Good old fashioned cold in the month of June and in such a hot climate as in Costa Rica. Didn't know that was possible. Well, I believe I'm still here unless I sleep walked all the way back home in the middle of the night. lol. Highly doubted.

Went to the McClain's house and worked on a couple projects for them. Brooke even made me tea for my cold, awe! Then we stayed for lunch and watched "Little House on the Praire" while Matt and Brooke were on Skype with a Pastor. Wahoo, I love those shows and other ones like them.

Went back to the appartment, used the computer for a bit than took a very much needed nap. Only struggling to get back up when it was time to head back to church for Kids Club. I was told that I didn't have to go to the church tonight if I still wasn't feeling well, but I was determind to still be there since that's what I said I'd be doing in the first place...."let your yes be yes, and your no be no." So I made it and was glad I didn't. I am always blessed when I do something that was a struggle to start this case to get out of bed for club. I was encouraged when Dayroy was playing on a rail beside me and slowly makes his way to me as I was leaning on it also. He makes his way to me asking for my hand to hold while he walked on the rail. He gets to me and totally wanted a piggy back ride. So for about 10 minutes he was on my back as I was just wondering around with the other kids. He was totally calm and just resting his head on my shoulder. I had to capture the moment and have Brooke take a picture as that was a highlight of a day that seemed tough. I am blessed more than I realize. I only wish I could understand God's love even more and totally all the way thrive to "Be the moon...and reflect the Son". (I found that saying at the McClains house...."Thank you guys!"

Later I was asked to do a simple task that to me seemed one of the toughest ever. I was asked to pick 2 kids out of a group of about 15, picking those 2 to be the first to play a game as a team. I was suppose to pick 2 when like 8 were raising their hands to be picked. I was so gonna do this, but when I saw each one of those faces who were so eager to be the ones and begging to be it, I turned away crying and totally confused a few people cause I was smiling one minute then crying the next. I didn't want to be a bad sport so I walked away from the kids so they wouldn't see me crying and have to wonder if they did anything. Call me emotional if you want...cause I know that's what I am, but my heart as so much compassion, I don't know what to do with it all. I am blessed that I do have compassion and a heart for kids, but sometimes little things like that can hurt my heart. I'm probably making it a bigger deal than what it really is, but yeah. That's honestly how I felt about it though. I totally need to learn balance in things like this. There are so many little things that I do here that I know will help me in the future and I'm glad about it. But yeah, as I was crying and while walking out, young Hector and I don't know who else, was lookin' at me with such a worried face...oops, I didn't mean to do that. A minute later when I was fine (sounds like the movie "tangled"....LOL, up and down, back and forth in her "battles" she was fighting) Crazy for me to compare it to that, but maybe someone will laugh, as I like seeing people happy. Isabelle was sweet to come to me and ask if I was okay. And then Brooke also. Later Roisess (sp?) pulled me to Matt to have him translate a question she was trying to ask me. She was asking, "Why were you crying earlier?" Sopia also came up and gave me a long big warm hug. These kids were so trying to lift my spirits and were a success. I'm blessed...

Yesterday I went to make copies for Matt and Brooke in town. I start off walking from the church with tears in my eyes after Michaela was saying "You can do this!". I was doubting I could do it, something as simple as getting copies in a Spanish speaking world. But a few minutes later I came back running saying, "Yay I did it! .....I could so do this again and be okay!!!!" I'm getting there...I'm so trying, I really want a teachable heart.

Oh yeah and yesterday, Gustovo colored me a picture...yay!

Now for the signing out for the night note:
Special thanks to Michaela before I update my blog. I don't think she knows how much she encourages me in seeing her live her life for the Lord each and every new day, even when she's struggling. She totally keeps serving and doesn't give up. I'm proud to know her!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Michaela, Natalie and myself walked to church for PFK. We get there and it starts pouring...I mean pouring hard! The rain was coming down drain pipes and gutters non-stop. Before kids showed up I was already in the rain getting wet and enjoying it. Next thing I know one kid gets his hair wet under that roof drain pipe and then everyone joined in or was made too, lol! One point after watching them all do this Matt starts to pull me to get me under it then realized I was already soaked so he's like "Ohh! You're already soaked!" Then I willingly put myself under and stand there a minute anyways, it felt so good and cool. After a short time, kids were playfully fighting to be the one directly under it. Soon with the help of other kids who all wanted to see the staff wet pushed Natalie under at the time that she was trying to help put Michaela under...back fire on Natalie, lol! But Michaela still got it good too... it was awesome! Next was the road which had it's streams flowing through it as it had been raining for a short time now were muddy looking and no doubt gross if you're thinking about how many dogs, chickens, cats, ducks....and even horses use that dirt road for their "restroom", get it? And all the garbage that is all over the road as if the road is a trash bin of some kind, ugh. Only I wish I would have thought about this sooner before I sat in this muddy stream going flowing down the road. Okay well, they were trying to make me sit in it and if I would have thought about what was in that water I would have fought harder to not have had to sit in it. Lol, but it was a fun time none the less. The gutter thing I'd love to do again, but not ever again the sitting in the After all of that there was a constant flow of mopping being down in the church and on the tiled porch. I got to help Don Victor and Dennis in the kitchen again while dripping wet and watching Don Victor actually slip a few times....oops!!! And he'd just keep smiling and laugh.
Did I ever tell you about one of the first mornings that Natalie was here? I wake up, she comes in the room and offers to make me pancakes for breakfast. I got all excited and told her that she was really nice to want to do that for me as I was thinking I would have done it myself and wouldn't have even given it a second thought that someone else would do it out of kindness for me. So Natalie's trying so hard to do this with boxed pancakes and I showed her a couple things about the mixing and how much water to add, etc. I go get ready for the day and come back a few minutes later and Natalie is really struggling with an ungreased pan and pancakes that now looked like scrambled eggs. Natalie's was so kind to do that for me and guess what... they still tasted good so I ate scrambled pancakes!!!!! Funny though :D

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Gustovo, Dayron, and Dayroy

So you know how I was talking about Gustovo, Dayron, and Dayroy? Well, they came to church today all three of them all by themselves. I watched extra on how they would interact with others, and other kids, etc. And whatt I a need. They need to know that they will not be rejected. They need to honestly have someone that will definatly teach, care, and love them in the unconditional way that Jesus would do it if He was here. I wonder how Jesus would be handling the whole thing if He were here in body. I was able to figure out which one of the twins was which as they are idenitcal! I was able to bravely ask one of them what his name was Dayron the one that had fallen the other night. Later I got to sit with these three before and during worship. I was trying to find a way to connect as I had asked the Lord to help me in some way, shap,e or form in this. And he totally gave me an idea to give them each a piece of paper, pencil and draw pictures with them. They went all out! They were so excited and talking so loud about it and to eachother that it was hard to keep them quiet during church. They would draw a picture and then ask for another piece. A few minutes later Dayroy gave me his paper and told me to draw too. I choose to draw a picture of him. He got so excited about it that when I was done drawing him he wanted me to add his twin brother to the picture, then next Gustovo and then lastly he wanted me on it too. Sweet! Next they were trying to draw people also. Gustovo drew a picture of me and the way I was able to tell who it was, was the length in hair. He had me write my name at the top of the picture. We somehow started drawing flowers too and they would have me draw one flower after another but wanted to make sure that I added the name of whatever or whoever I was drawing. "Thank you Lord, for a good day!"

Saturday, June 11, 2011

All in one day

Okay, I've got stories to tell today, lol!

We went to another beach today, and once you get used to the water it's really fun to be in it. Well anyways to get to the funnest story of the day, we were all just in the water to our necks again and this time another family came along with us in their van though. And one of the teenager boys, Brock came up from under the water and explains how he just saw a BIG fish. Matt happened to be right there and so he heard what Brock had saw. All of the sudden Matt starts yelling as if something had grabbed his foot and he was strugglin' in the water...and was seriously startled!!! Brooke and I had thought at first that he was just trying to scare me by making it look like something was in the water wanting to see my reaction. But then it was really real. A very real PERSON who went under water to scare Matt. It SOOO worked!!! We were all laughing at him so hard. Brooke says that there's your revenge for what Matt does to try and scare you. He just got it good! I told him now everytime I see him I'm gonna laugh and I told him I was gonna post it on my blog and he likes, "No, you don't!!!" Lol...oops, it looks I acciently did. "Sorry!" :D It was just such a good joke played on Matt that it HAD to be shared. I could tell another about him trying to walk out into the water with his flippers on, but falling when the wave hit him, but I'll be nice and not share that one. Haha! (I didn't see it anyways, he told all of us that one on the way home). I'm the one laughing now!

At first when I was getting in the water I stayed extra close to the shore because the water and waves were SO strong that it would pull you in a little and then bring you back, but still the whole being pulled in and having no control over it was something I've never done before. And not very comforting when you can't swim the greatest. So Matt tried getting me to come out a little farther..."Just over that wave" then it'd be easier. Well, after he showed me how easy it was I was able to get used to it and a little more comfortable and not be paniced. I've noticed, I have fear of alot more things than I realized and it's nasty. That is one thing I'm realizing here in Costa Rica and it makes me realize and wonder how much I really do trust the Lord in everything. I challenge myself in little ways as at the beach and in the water as well as in other things that come up. But a while later I would be fine for a while, then for a couple seconds I would panic. Not where anyone could see at the moment, but in my mind. Wow! When I would feel this way in the water I would remind myself to relax and just trust I'll be okay and that it's not like it would take me far at all (and it's wouldn't get to deep to where it would take me), but, God's right here, he's bigger than the things that he made, such as a strong wave and I don't need to smart yes, as water is one of the strongest things in nature. I find that when I don't fear, those are the times that it's alot smoother. When I don't fight against the wave, but just go with/through it, it's not so much a struggle. I kind of put that into a personal wave/struggle view and thinking how it will seem really really big and hard, but when you just relax (in His arms) and let him lead you, it will go smoother and easier to handle as He will give strength needed. Not that we'd be looking for the easier way out of anything, but that we'd be trusting in the Lord constantly in everything, everyday. Everything will fall into place. Everything will be good, just trust and don't worry. So all that to say I'm up for the challenge to not fear things anymore, I'm so determind in this!! ...and I've got a life time of lessons to learn.

Here was something else really crazy. After we had been there a few hours we started seeing Porchagees Manna Wars (sp?) (little jelly type of sea creature that floats on the water with a blue...ummm...what do you call it? ....Uhhh...kinda whats on a jelly fish. Like a blue shocking "string" hanging from it's body. As a couple of us were noticing these in the water, I head on back up to shore to realize that right smack where these little things were Brock had jumped right on in not knowing and a split second later jumping back out of the water going crazy, yelling, running, jumping around and pulling off the "blue string" that grabbed and wrapped itself on him as it's literally shocking him. This happened just after Matt was saying how he also had gotten shocked by these things a few mintues before. But wow....that was crazy!!! Four guys all got shocked and were rubbing ice on the stings that looked as if getting........oh man, It's hard to explain. Just picture this if you can. When you get a little scratch and it whitens and swells a little right? Well to me getting shocked looks kinda like that only.... circles that are all lined up real close together in a line around the arm or where ever it graps ya. Ouch is right!!! Us girls were grateful we didn't get it "Praise Jesus!". That would have hurt like crazy. Ouch!

The other day I got so excited cause us girls had a movie night and you won't believe what I was so excited to get to eat. Can you guess? ICE CREAM!!!! Oh my goodness, ice cream is such an all time favorite of mine. Could never get old. :D I just wanted to share cause it made me happy, lol!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Last couple of days...

I was talking to a little 4 year old, blue eyed, blonde haired boy the other day. He was climbing the fence and starts telling me how he wished he could have little chickens and saying how the chicks over on the other side of the fence had hatched. I reply asking, "You wanna be a farmer...a cowboy someday?!" And he says in a very sure way, "I for sure want to be a cowboy. And ride a horse, and...and..." He's one of Pastor Phil's boys. But I thought he was so cute the way he was going on about what he wanted to be. Awe.

Matt, Brooke and their three kids took me out to get a smoothie. Mine was a combination of watermelon, blackberry and strawberry. Yum! Then I went to their house and had pizza with ranch dressing. Also had chips and homemade salsa. Then we all watched a movie. I had a good night. I've been blessed...

In the PFK program there are a brother and sister who know how to make my day brighter, Cindy and Hector. They have such a sweet warm smile. Before they leave they make sure to give me a hug or a high five. They are special, just like all these other kids that I'm getting to know. They are all so different and all so special in their own ways.

Yesterday one of the twins, Dayron had fallen on his elbow flat on the tiled porch. I glaced over just to see  that he had just fallen and was crying, tears rolling down and everything. Him and his brother are some of the smaller ones in the group and they fall or do something from time to time and cry. But still, I went over to him and made sure he was okay, gave him a hug and sat with him for a mintue till he was fine. Also the bread he was eatting had dropped when he fell and the dog stole it, so I got him more. Dayron and his twin brother Dayroy along with one of their friends Gastovo are always in there little group. They are little "trouble makers" as people have told me. I see them almost everyday playing together or walking on the dirt road by themselves and my heart goes out to them. It really does. The kids who are constantly told, "No!" who have a reason to be the way they are whether it's something at home that's tough or something. But those kinds of kids are the ones that my heart goes out to. Ones like them need not only to be told no, but to be watched even more closly to be able to find the good things that they do, and be praised for it in a way that they will realize "Wow, it's a good thing to choose to do the right thing". Try and get to the root of the problem, which obviously would be home, but ya can't always fix that. I wish I could spend more time with those three and any others who are struggling, even after the PFK is over for a month or so. They most liking don't get the attention that they need and probably just want and need a friend to do stuff with them even if they don't know it. They are like 6 and 7 years old and they are always playing alone. Poor little guys. Every single one of these kids are so special and it's good for them to know that. And I know they have people like Matt, Brooke, Don VIctor and a few others that care alot about them. They do so much for the kids here and it's awesome. I'm proud of them!!

Michaela hasn't been feeling well, so please be praying for her.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Matt (PFK staff/leader) was talking to us girls about how we should stay as a group and not walk at night alone cause of stuff that could happen, just like anywhere. That's why Matt and Ethan usually walk us girls home if we are ever out at night after church or PFK. And Ethan (age 11) says something like this while his dad is talking, "Yeah, you need a big strong guy to walk you girls home at ME!" Ethan is funny, as you can tell. I claim him as a little brother here in Costa Rica. Like Dennis (age 12) also, who knows a bit English, enough to understand a person like me with no Spanish worth talking about, lol. Today as Ethan was acting goofing and crazy his dad does the hand motions of scissers as saying that Ethan needed a hair cut, then I laughed and jokingly said, "Haha...and I know how to do it too!" Only Ethan didn't hear that little conversation....until once he reads this blog post. Lol, right Ethan?!! Anyways, I like to tease him about one day putting his hair up all perty as it is long enough, almost :) As he is always putting plastic bugs or something dead in my hair. Speaking of that, I had two bugs on me tonight and I didn't react except to gracefully flick it off. Right, this is one thing I want to over come the fear of. I don't have to like the things, but just that I don't want to keep reacting in such crazy annoying ways, even to myself. .....oh and lightning beetle/bug just flew by my face, now I think those are cool! They blink with a light of green or blue. "lightning" bugs. I was told that if you see a whole field of lightning bugs that it's pretty amazing.
Natalie got in the other night safetly. And her first day at PFK was something she kept talking about the other night with excitement. As each kid came in the door she bravely asked their name in Spanish and told them hers. Throughout the night she was told she could just observe to get the feel of things, but she jumped right in. I think she's gonna enjoy herself and the kids. The people here are encouraged that she's trying to learn Spanish real hard.

My name in Spanish is pronounced, Yostina :) I like it! So, that's my Costa Rican name, what do you think?

Now that Michaela is no longer in the same apartment it's pretty sad, cause now I won't get to hear her play the guitar and sing. Me liking to sing along as well. Now, she's not heard while practicing...which she loves that idea, lol. She's really good! Hearing someone else play and sing to an intrument is one of my favorite things to hear. Especially if it's the guitar or piano. I know I play the piano and some guitar, but hearing others play is something else. I could fall asleep...zzzzzz.....just thinking about it :) But seriously it's so soothing, simple, and sweet.

One of the girls tonight was trying to talk to me, while struggling to know what she was saying and wanting badly to understand her I grab Brooke and ask what this girl was saying to me. And Brooke says that she was saying that she thinks my hair is very pretty. Aww...sweet. I'm blessed by these kids really, I don't deserve it.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Transfered posts to this new blogspot. Now I'm not using Michaela's account, lol

Monday, June 6, 2011

Mwah ha ha this is michaela not justine and I can do this because she set up her account connected to mine on accident. Anyways, I just want everyone to know that I love this girl and that she is awesome.



Saturday, June 4, 2011

Day at the beach

Matt, Brooke and their family took Michaela and I to the beach with them for the day!! Okay so I've always like the sand on my bare feet (when my feet haven't touched the water yet, then it just sticks) but this sand was different then from the beach I've always gone to in Oregon. It felt so good....I was walking back and forth on it for no reason at all but that it was awesome. It was like a firm but soft sand that your feet would sink into about an 1 or 2 inches and it would leave your foot prints in the sand. Just thinking about it makes me happy.

We saw quite a few manta rays and each time while in the water up to our waist or neck and we'd see one swimming around everyone would run as fast as they could back to shore and eventually make our way back into the water hoping that it would be gone. The water felt so good...when it didn't get into your eyes, lol. Very salty. The water was warm, clear, pretty blue, and it felt wonderful on my sunburn, yay! So I always went back in to my neck, even though I can't swim well at all. I can float when I'm not nervous, but yeah. After we were spotting manta rays and everyone, including myself were a bit nervous about getting stung or touched even by one. The kids would come up behind me and pinch my foot or ankle trying to get me. They wanted me to think it was a manta ray. Silly them. Have to admit, they did get me a few times.

Ethen, (Matt and Brooke's 11 year old son) came up to me as we just got to the beach and acted funny as if he did something or was going to do something to scare me. It looked like he had something in his hand and then a second later he didn't have it anymore. And you want to know why? Cause it was in my hair!!!!! He put a dead something my hair. I went over to Brooke not believing him and Matt that he had actually did it and she's like "Yeah there's something in your hair!!" Wow! Then Brooke says, "I warned you about the men in my family and that they play tricks like that!" I wonder who those guys are...hmmm....Matt and Ethan I believe are there names. Anyone out there who's scared of bugs and spiders, just stay clear of these guys and you'll be fine, lol :) I chased Ethan down to the water after he did that and pictured my little brother and me as I playfully pushed him onto the sand. Ethan would tell you that he fell, but I would say that I did a lot of the helping him fall :) Pretty fun day...I was reminded of how I always play with my little brother and I would have pushed him down in the sand too just for fun. As my brother would get right back up and try and do the same to me only not succeeding unless I wasn't paying attention, then I'd be nocked off my feet. Miss my little brother....and big brother!

Last night as I had posted about being "locked out" well, until 5am I was in the dining room without a pillow or sheet trying to sleep on the floor or on my arms as they were resting on the table. Both postions didn't work. At the table my arms fell asleep instead of me and on the floor it's like sleeping on a cement sidewalk. Lol!! I can laugh cause it IS funny. At 5am I was brave enough to go outside and climb through the window to get to my soft wonderful bed, haha! When I woke up again, I told Michaela the story and she's like, "Oh Justine, next time knock and wake me up" She's awesome, I love her!!!


Locked out

Have you ever been locked out of your room? I can now say that I have. Michaela went to bed before I did and had locked the door for some reason and forgot to unlock it so that I could get in the room later, I'm stuck at the dining room table and gonna try and fall alseep here on the wooden chair, but it doesn't seem likely. Lol, I've been here for nearly two hours hoping that Michaela will wake up, but it hasn't happened yet. I don't like the idea of waking her to unlock it, I'd feel bad, so I'll stay here. It's rather funny if you're not the one up at 1:30am. Now to try and sleep! It's sooooooooooo very late!!!!!! By the way Michaela, you're still my friend!! I just had to share my about my night so others could get a laugh and since I'm not in a spot to sleep what else can I do :) Good-night!!!


Friday, June 3, 2011

So no matter where I go, people find out I scare easily....but wait! I don't scare quite as bad. I have gotten better. When I went home after Potters Field Ranch for those couple of weeks, the people that were really good as scaring me before were disppointed cause I didn't scream at every move they made anymore. YES! So glad....thanks to my friends at Potter's Field Ranch who helped me on that :) But yes their are a couple 11 or 12 year olds that have gotten me a couple times in the last couple of days.

Rebecca (Pastor Phil's wife) took us and her kids to lunch today to a Mexican place. And wow! Yummy :) If I could only spell what I had, I'd tell ya, but I can't so just know it was really good. With chicken, and dips, and a tortilla. I bet you can guess what I had now, only I don't bet so that's just a figure a speech, so don't get confused, lol.

My sunburn on my arms from the beach has now turned from soft and red to hard and red. Michaela was so surprised and couldn't get over how my arms felt. It's like a layer of shell...if you're trying to explain it in a way understandable. Where my arms are real stiff, as if they've been fried in a greasy skillet. We are going to the beach again tomorrow as it is our day off and this time I'm wearing a long sleve so it doesn't get worse. And don't worry we are taking sunscreen with us, not just taking it with us but actually gonna put it on. Michaela got a good burn too on her shoulders, ouch...poor Michaela. And I haven't heard a complain, she's a real sport!

Matt and Brooke asked if I'd make their prayer card/bookmark prayer card while I'm here before they leave for the states. And also a slideshow video of their life here in Costa Rica with pictures and such of everything. So, I've started on that, and we'll see how it goes. I'm enjoying doing it for them! As you all know, pictures are my thing whether I'm good at it all or not.  lol! Anyways, it's great. This is good...

Okay, so I feel like I'm always writing on the surface things, stuff that's fun and easy to talk about, and things about me. Now, I'm thinking maybe my mission's blog is suppose to be a bit more than that, what do you think? I say to myself, "Hmmm....think deeper Justine, what is God doing in your life and in others? What are things of most importance to the Lord in your time here? Learn to talk more of things that will last longer than this world. Things that would encourage others in their walk with the Lord and well as your own." I could go on, but you getting my point...? Not that telling stories is bad, not at all and I'll still keep doing that, but you get the idea. I just need to think deeper as well.


Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Yay :)

Then even yesterday night while the kids were eating, they were all excited and talking about something crazy and Brooke comes to tell me that the kids are talking about how fast I can run. I was like, "Ohhh....that's sweet, yay!!" So, theres a little side note that I was all excited about :) Makes me smile.

God is good!


Here's and theres

Pastor Phil found out I like taking pictures so he asked that I'd be taking pictures in my time here (of course), but also for him to use for a couple powerpoints/slideshows he's taking to the states, that he had Michaela and I word on the other day for him. It's awesome that I get to take pictures for the church while I'm here. It's great that God can use me and my camera in that way. I've notice that my camera is also a good "warm up to the kids" "kids warm up to me" tool. The kids love getting pictures taken and even the ones who don't still make a big fun deal out of it and are always watching me to make sure I'm not taking any of 'em, lol. falling over sometimes even just to get away.

All night long we have roosters outside our window...not being quiet either, lol. They have their timing all wrong, they crow more in the night then they seem to in the day. We can look outside our window and one or two will be right there looking at you on the porch. I grow up with chickens all my life and never once were they living on our porch. Rather funny, don't you think?

Michaela has been learning songs in spanish to lead the kids in songs everyday. The tunes are really easy to get used to and now it's making me want to learn them myself. It's awesome, I'll get there!

Oh yeah, today Pastor Phil had Michaela working on the computer this morning and so I was there just watching and drawing a picture while waiting. Pastor Phil decides to send me on my first arrend to get copies. Maybe about a mile 1/2 to 2 miles walk. I start walking with the note on what to spanish in my hand. I get there, forgot what and how to say it, so I handed him the note with the paper to copy and let him figure it out. lol...oops! Then the next thing, he tells me he doesn't have change for a $20, so I walk/run back get the exact money and then walk/run right back to town. It happens :) It's great!  


Sunday, May 29, 2011

Crazy things

Well, as you have heard and figured out that Michaela and I got here to Costa Rica. And we are still alive, can you believe it? Yeah, so can I! Anyways, first night after we got here I experinced seeing a cockroach. Nothing happened to that one, it stayed on the wall. But since that night with a few little screams...little mind you, well they weren't really screams but more of, Ah! Oh! Help! You bug get back here! Don't touch me, get away! ..yeah little things like that. I like to talk to my new friends before I kill them :) But true story, I have killed two cockroaches, proud to say... with a broom. Getting it stuck inside the broom long enough to toss it in the toliet and flush is down. Usually while this is going on in the background of the evening Michaela is working away with Spanish or something and laughs a few times, at ME no doubt, lol. Funny. I'm glad Michaela gets to be here with us! She's a lot of fun. But yeah, I'm excited about the killing those things. Yay!
When it comes to Spanish. My mind doesn't know a thing anyone's saying yet. Michaela's gonna be helping me a bit, like she already has. Sometimes someone will come up to me and start talking and I have no clue, so I turn to Michaela and nudge her and say desparation, "Help!" The other night at Bible study they were talking about Michaela and how she learned fast and knows a bit now, and they point to me and say, "..and she knows nothing." Lol, so true. It made me laugh. Oh yeah, they have Bible study outside, so the June bugs and anything else around come to the light....that happens to be by us. So through the night people realized that Justine + Bugs = EXPLODSION (spelling?). So, this one guy decides to give me a hand shake before him and his wife left and puts a cricket in his hand to pass to me as he shook my hand, to bad I didn't catch his little joke before he did it. But it worked, I can laugh now...!
SoMichaela was practicing the gospel message in Spanish tonight which was awesome and great and I love it. Then she told me how she was practicing saying "sin" but instead was saying "fish". Now me, I couldn't have told the difference until she pointed it out. But still it made both of us laugh. It reminded me of a movie I had watched before on a missionary who was trying to share the gospel in another language and ended up using thier word for "out-house" instead. So at least it wasn't to that extreame. That would be terrible! Anyways...
Off to bed, I'll talk more. But heres a start :D
So, If anyone's wanting to write. Here's the address for Michaela, Natalie and I while on our mission trip in Costa Rica. Be sure and put on the envelope, Phil and Rebecca McKay, not us girls' names (it will confuse the post office :). You can put a note inside or on another envelope inside saying who it's for and it will get to us through Pastor Phil.
Phil & Rebecca McKay
Apartado #13-5159
Villareal, Santa Cruz
Guanacaste, Costa Rica
Central America.