Monday, July 25, 2011

Ivon decided that he'd try and get me down on the ground today. He's about the same size as my little brother, so it was funny. He tried it a couple times but he was the one who ended up on the ground, lol. Then later he locks his arm around my neck and pulls me down as I wasn't expecting it. Then I believe he felt very good that he got me down. Haha!
I know my little brother is always trying to get me down when I'm not looking. We've always gotten along really well, and we always goof off 'like that. Everytime he tries to get me, he's the one who "falls" to the ground. But he is so determind that one day he'll get me. And to tell you the truth, I BELIEVE IT!!! He's getting so big and weighs more than I do. When I got back from the Ranch he tries and oh my goodness, I was like..."Wow!!" He's not that little anymore. He's bigger than me now." Ouch!! He's a tough boy. Lol, fun times! I love that boy :)

So the Potter's Field Kids today were told that we were leaving soon and that this was there last week with us. When it was said, you could hear them all say, "Nooooooo.....!!!" That's when I feel bad about leaving, is when I hear how much they don't want us to leave. I've had so much fun with this group of kids and it's been a really special time with them.

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